
Author: Candid Wholesale

As commerce moves more and more online, many wholesale vendors are finding innovative ways to grow and globalise their businesses. An increasingly competitive market encourages diversifying different business interests. The wholesale distribution industry is full of opportunities for those trying to climb this ladder to success....

Excited to announce we are an official @Squarespace extension partner!...

Your Relationships page now includes Selling Signals, a new tool for gauging the effectiveness of outreach campaigns....

Your Relationships page now includes Selling Signals, a new tool for gauging the effectiveness of outreach campaigns....

Candid now supports three different invoicing and payment workflows: Candid Pay, External Invoice, and Manual Payment....

Need to send someone a link to your order but they aren't in Candid? No problem!...

This is a bit in the weeds, but for products with multiple options of the same type, Candid now shows option names....