
Solutions for every kind of business.

Is Candid a good fit for your business? See how we’ve helped brands grow wholesale across a variety of product and industry types.


How Pigeon Toe Ceramics doubled their wholesale conversions

“We almost quit selling wholesale, now it’s one of the fastest growing parts of our business.”

See what Candid can do for:

Retailer Buying Online@4x

And we're not just for sellers.

For Buyers

A better buying experience for retailers.

Wholesale order management and brand discovery, all in one place. Stop emailing spreadsheets and start building orders directly from shoppable, inventory-aware catalogs. 


For Reps & Showrooms

For reps and showrooms, a place to call home.

Need to manage multiple brands, reps, catalogs, currencies? Candid can handle the complexities of showrooms, distributors, and sales reps.


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