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How Pigeon Toe Ceramics doubled their wholesale conversions

“We almost quit selling wholesale, now it’s one of the fastest growing parts of our business.”

See what Candid can do for:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Candid is a standalone SaaS web application for managing wholesale orders, shipments, payments, and relationships. It has the ability to sync product and inventory data with your existing e-commerce store to make buying and selling wholesale B2B as easy as shopping online.

While many companies either buy or sell wholesale, some do both. For example, a candlemaker with a brick and mortar boutique likely sells their candles wholesale, while also purchasing home goods, jewelry, etc. wholesale to sell in their store.

Candid has tools for both buying and selling wholesale, believing that if you do both you don’t want to have to go back and forth between two different apps to keep track of everything.

  • We don’t replace your DTC store
  • We don’t replace your accounting software
  • We don’t replace your shipping software
  • We don’t charge order transaction fees
  • We don’t collect, share or sell personal data

Yes! We’re happy to be your one and only wholesale channel, but we also don’t mind sharing. Wholesale is hard enough as is – we don’t want to add to that!

We do not charge order transaction fees. Instead, we offer monthly paid subscription plans that you can read more about here. If you choose to use Candid Pay, our order payment processor powered by Finix and Stripe, you will be charged a small, standard processing fee which you can read more about here.

For Sellers

  • A CSV or e-commerce store from which to upload your products into Candid. We currently integrate directly with Shopify, Squarespace, and WooCommerce. We also accept CSV uploads from pretty much anywhere else, provided they have all the columns we need (product title, option, primary image, etc.)
  • A location to ship from.
  • A way to accept payments. (This can be as basic as the words “Send me a check”)
  • Ideally a computer. Candid works on mobile and tablet, but a lot of the seller features are much, much easier to use on a computer.

We are similar to a wholesale marketplace in that we are a buying and selling platform, but we are different in that Candid is primarily a tool used to manage your wholesale activities all in one place.



Most marketplaces are good for discovery, but that’s about it, and they generally offer more benefits to the buyer. You also run the risk of competing with similar brands and having fewer repeat customers. Candid’s software, however, makes it easy to create and maintain relationships with your vendors – sellers get to know buyers, see order history and have direct communication. Candid will also never advertise competitors’ goods to your customers, which is the main feature of some marketplaces. You can read more about how we’re different from marketplaces here.

For Buyers

  • Reseller license.
  • A location to receive shipments.
  • A unique web address for your account (social media is fine if you don’t have a website).

There's much more that Candid can do for you.

Let’s get started.